👨🏻🏭 Man Factory Worker: Light Skin Tone
👨🏻🏭 Man Factory Worker: Light Skin Tone Basic Information
man factory worker: light skin tone
Emoji Version:
4.0 (2016-11-22)
👌 People & Body
ALT+128104 ALT+127995 ALT+8205 ALT+127981
Sub Categories:
👨🍳 person-role
U+1F468 1F3FB 200D 1F3ED 1F468 - 👨 man 1F3FB - 🏻 light skin tone 200D - zero width joiner 1F3ED - 🏭 factory
👨🏻🏭 Man Factory Worker: Light Skin Tone Examples and Usage
- My home's water pipe burst last night. Fortunately, my boyfriend repaired it. He is awesome! 👨🏻🏭
- So worker unrest in Iran is a good barometer of the stress that workers are feeling 👨🏻🏭. 👨🏻🏭 = 👨🏻 + 🏭
- 👨🏻🏭 = 👨🏭 + 🏻
- 👨🏼🏭 = 👨🏭 + 🏼
- 👨🏽🏭 = 👨🏭 + 🏽
- 👨🏾🏭 = 👨🏭 + 🏾
- 👨🏿🏭 = 👨🏭 + 🏿